Marie-Pierre's defense, Farewell Fribourg, and the move to Cambridge
It is very exciting times in the Social Fluids lab these days.
We have our first PhD!! Marie-Pierre passed her private defense this week and will soon be having her public defense (Dec 7th! message us if you want the zoom link!).
We are very excited to be moving to Cambridge within the next month or so! In order to open new doors, some need to close.
We are wrapping up many projects: Hugo is running tracking experiments daily. We are pushing to get MP’s macroevolution paper resubmitted and Arthurs dimorphism paper resubmitted. Yuqi is sending off samples for analysis for the grand MetaAnts project. Matteo just had his hand-feeding paper accepted. The second tracking rig and lighting box will soon be in our hands thanks to Emmanuel Gendre and Markus Andrey. The long running Beetle manuscript is approaching submission. Action in all corners!
We will be having our farewell party on Dec 5th to say goodbye to our Swiss colleagues. Message if you would like the details. It has been a great run here and we are sad to say farewell.
The lab canvas from our time in Fribourg. We managed to have aaaalllmost everyone sign their name and paint an ant to mark their time in the lab.